
UltraStaffChat's configuration file

#     __  ______             _____ __        ________________          __
#    / / / / / /__________ _/ ___// /_____ _/ __/ __/ ____/ /_  ____ _/ /_
#   / / / / / __/ ___/ __ `/\__ \/ __/ __ `/ /_/ /_/ /   / __ \/ __ `/ __/
#  / /_/ / / /_/ /  / /_/ /___/ / /_/ /_/ / __/ __/ /___/ / / / /_/ / /_
#  \____/_/\__/_/   \__,_//____/\__/\__,_/_/ /_/  \____/_/ /_/\__,_/\__/
#   UltraStaffChat - config.yml - Main Configuration.
#   Copyright (C) 2021 Joshua Sing <[email protected]>, Christian F <[email protected]>, SLLCoding <[email protected]>
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#   Helpful Links:
#    Support          |
#    Documentation    |
#    Source Code      |

# [ UltraStaffChat | General Configuration ]

# General | No Permission Message
no-permission: "&cNo Permission."

# General | In-game Only Message
ingame-only: "&cThis command can only be used in-game."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Discord Configuration ]

# Discord | Enabled
#  Should we send messages to Discord?
discord-enabled: false

# Discord | Webhook URL
discord-webhook: ""

# Discord | Webhook Username
#  What name do you want the webhook to use?
discord-username: "UltraStaffChat"

# Discord | Webhook Image
#  What image do you want the webhook to use?
discord-image: ""

# Discord | Embed
#  Should we use embeds?
discord-embed: true

# Discord | StaffChat Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}, Message - {message}
  text: "[StaffChat] {server} - **{player}**: {message}" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
  embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
    author: # Embed Author
      name: ""
      url: ""
      image: ""
    title: "" # Embed Title
    title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
    description: "**{player}**: {message}" # Embed Description
    color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
    footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
    image: "" # Embed Image URL
    thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
    fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
    #  1:
    #    name: "{player}"
    #    value: "{message}"
    #    inline: true
    #  2:
    #    name: "Server"
    #    value: "{server}"
    #    inline: true
    #  3:
    #    name: "Example"
    #    value: "You can keep making more fields"
    #    inline: false

# Discord | Staff Join Messages
#  Should Staff Join messages be sent to Discord?
discord-join-messages: true

# Discord | Join Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
  text: "**{player}** connected to **{server}**" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
  embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
    author: # Embed Author
      name: ""
      url: ""
      image: ""
    title: "{player}" # Embed Title
    title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
    description: "** + {server} **" # Embed Description
    color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
    footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
    image: "" # Embed Image URL
    thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
    fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
    #  1:
    #    name: "Example"
    #    value: "You can keep making more fields"
    #    inline: false

# Discord | Staff Leave Messages
#  Should Staff Leave messages be sent to Discord?
discord-leave-messages: true

# Discord | Leave Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
  text: "**{player}** disconnected from **{server}**" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
  embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
    author: # Embed Author
      name: ""
      url: ""
      image: ""
    title: "{player}" # Embed Title
    title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
    description: "** - {server} **" # Embed Description
    color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
    footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
    image: "" # Embed Image URL
    thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
    fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
    #  1:
    #    name: "Example"
    #    value: "You can keep making more fields"
    #    inline: false

# Discord | Staff Switch Messages
#  Should Staff Switch messages be sent to Discord?
discord-switch-messages: true

# Discord | Switch Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, From - {from}, To - {to}
  text: "**{player}** switched from **{from}** -> **{to}**" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
  embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
    author: # Embed Author
      name: ""
      url: ""
      image: ""
    title: "{player}" # Embed Title
    title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
    description: "** {from} -> {to} **" # Embed Description
    color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
    footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
    image: "" # Embed Image URL
    thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
    fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
    #  1:
    #    name: "Example"
    #    value: "You can keep making more fields"
    #    inline: false

# Discord | AFK Messages
#  Should Staff AFK enable messages be sent to Discord?
discord-afk-enable-messages: true

# Discord | AFK Enable Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}
  text: "**{player}** is now AFK" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
  embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
    author: # Embed Author
      name: ""
      url: ""
      image: ""
    title: "{player}" # Embed Title
    title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
    description: "has gone AFK" # Embed Description
    color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
    footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
    image: "" # Embed Image URL
    thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
    fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
    #  1:
    #    name: "Example"
    #    value: "You can keep making more fields"
    #    inline: false

# Discord | AFK Messages
#  Should Staff AFK disable messages be sent to Discord?
discord-afk-disable-messages: true

# Discord | AFK Disable Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}
  text: "**{player}** is no longer AFK" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
  embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
    author: # Embed Author
      name: ""
      url: ""
      image: ""
    title: "{player}" # Embed Title
    title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
    description: "is no longer AFK" # Embed Description
    color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
    footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
    image: "" # Embed Image URL
    thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
    fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
    #  1:
    #    name: "Example"
    #    value: "You can keep making more fields"
    #    inline: false

# [ UltraStaffChat | StaffChat Configuration ]

# StaffChat | Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}, Message - {message}
staffchat-format: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &4{player}&c: &c{message}"

# StaffChat | Usage
staffchat-usage: "&cUsage: /staffchat <message>"

# StaffChat | Muted
staffchat-muted: "&cStaffChat is currently Muted"

# StaffChat | Prefix
#  Allows Staff members to send messages to StaffChat using a prefix before their message.
#  Set to "" to disable.
staffchat-prefix: "#"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Toggle Configuration ]

# Toggle | Enabled
toggle-enabled: true

# Toggle On | Message
toggle-message-on: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat Toggled &aOn&c!"

# Toggle Off | Message
toggle-message-off: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat Toggled &cOff&c!"

# Toggle | Usage
toggle-usage: "&cUsage: /sctoggle <state>"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Mute Configuration ]

# Mute | Enabled
mute-enabled: true

# Mute On | Message
mute-message-on: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat &cMuted&c!"

# Mute Off | Message
mute-message-off: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat &aUnmuted&c!"

# Mute | Usage
mute-usage: "&cUsage: /scmute <state>"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Mute StaffChat Configuration ]

# Mute | Enabled
mute-staffchat-enabled: true

# Mute On | Message
mute-staffchat-message-on: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat has been &cMuted&c!"

# Mute Off | Message
mute-staffchat-message-off: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat has been &aUnmuted&c!"

# Mute | Usage
mute-staffchat-usage: "&cUsage: /mutesc <state>"

# [ UltraStaffChat | AFK Configuration ]

# AFK | Enabled
afk-enabled: true

# AFK | Message
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}
afk-broadcast: "&7{player} is now &c&lAFK&7."

# AFK | No longer AFK Message
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}
no-afk-broadcast: "&7{player} is no longer &c&lAFK&7."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Join Message Configuration ]

# Join Message | Enabled
join-enabled: true

# Join Message | Message
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
join-message: "&7[&a&l+&7] &7[{server}] &a{player}"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Leave Message Configuration ]

# Leave Message | Enabled
leave-enabled: true

# Leave Message | Message
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}
leave-message: "&7[&c&l-&7] &c{player}"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Switch Message Configuration ]

# Switch Message | Enabled
switch-enabled: true

# Switch Message | Message
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, From - {from}, To - {to}
switch-message: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &c{player} switched from {from} to {to}"

# [ UltraStaffChat | StaffList Configuration ]

# StaffList | Enabled
stafflist-enabled: true

# StaffList | Header
#  - Placeholders: Staff Count - {count}
stafflist-header: "&7({count}) &c&lOnline Staff Members&7:"

# StaffList | Format
#  - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
stafflist-line: "&4{player} &7- &4{server}"

# StaffList | No staff online
stafflist-offline: "&cNo staff members are online."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Update Notification Configuration ]

# Update Notification | Enabled
update-enabed: true

# Update Notification | Message
#  - Placeholders: New Version - {version}, Current Version - {current}
update-message: "&8[&c&lUltraStaffChat&8] &aVersion {version} is now available."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Permissions ]

# Permission | StaffChat Talk
permission-talk: ""

# Permission | StaffChat Read
permission-read: ""

# Permission | Toggle
permission-toggle: "staffchat.toggle"

# Permission | Mute
permission-mute: "staffchat.mute"

# Permission | Mute Global
permission-globalmute: "staffchat.globalmute"

# Permission | StaffChat Global Mute Bypass
permission-bypass: "staffchat.mutebypass"

# Permission | AFK
permission-afk: "staffchat.afk"

# Permission | Staff Join
permission-join: "staffchat.join"

# Permission | Staff Leave
permission-leave: "staffchat.leave"

# Permission | Switch
permission-switch: "staffchat.switch"

# Permission | Staff List
permission-list: "staffchat.list"

# Permission | Staff (Permission needed to display on Staff List)
permission-staff: "staffchat.staff"

# Permission | Chat Formatting
permission-chat-format: "staffchat.format"

# Permission | Update Notification
permission-update: "ultrastaffchat.update"

# Permission | Configuration Reload
permission-reload: "ultrastaffchat.reload"

# Permission | Debug
permission-debug: "ultrastaffchat.debug"

# [ UltraStaffChat | System Configuration ]

# System | Configuration Version
#  Used for Internal purposes - Don't edit!
version: 37

Last updated